Plans and Pricing

Pick a plan. Run a scan. Get results in minutes.



Best for hobby pentesting, and bug bounty hunting


Start for free

Single sign-on
Data residency: EU
AI-driven remediation for CVEs and zero-days
Shareable live reports
Delta reporting


Need more? Expand your plan to meet your specific needs

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Single sign-on
Data residency: EU/US
AI-driven remediation for CVEs and zero-days
Shareable live reports
Delta reporting
Paralell jobs
24/7 online support
SBOM export
PDF report exports
Team collaboration
API integration
CI/CD integration
Vulnerability alerts - monitoring
Guided onboarding training (2h)
Custom data retention
Bring your own domain
Security workshop opportunities

Only on-premise works?

Contact us to discuss your requirements and we will prepare a custom offer!

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Need team education?

Hands-on workshops for your product's security evaluation and secure coding best practices as part of our grow plan.

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Frequently asked questions

How does the Free Plan work?

It is as simple as it gets. :) Create an account using Google single sign-on and start scanning within seconds, no credit card details are needed. We offer the full functionality of the firmware and binary analysis for a limited number of scans.

What features are not available in the Free Plan?

Team management, continuous monitoring, PDF reports, dedicated support, API, and CI/CD integration are only available in our paid plans - plus, you would have more scans available in paid plans. Check out our pricing page for more details.

I ran out of scans, how do I get some more?

If you run out of scans we would ask you to upgrade to a bigger plan. Get in touch with us to ask for an upgrade.

What payment options are available?

At this time we accept only bank transfers, but card payments are in the works and will be launched around Q2 2024.

Do I need to enter my credit card info at signup?

For the Free Plan, no credit card information is needed. For the Teams and Enterprise plans, you will need to contact us.

Are there any setup or support fees?

No. You only pay the monthly cost, and no additional fees are charged.

What if I am not satisfied with the product?

We will be very sad and keen to learn more about your experience. But of course, you can cancel your subscription, and in the next month, we will not be charging you again. Your account stays active and online for the prepaid period.